Manafəddin Namazov Bəşir


    Bölmə: Kompüter və informasiya texnologiyaları
    Vəzifə: Kafedra müdiri

    Rusca : Səlis
    Türk : Yaxşı
    Azərbaycan (Ana dili): Səlis
    İngilis : Yaxşı

    Microsoft Office, Power Point, WinFact,, s7-200, s7 -300-400-1200-1500, Step7, WinCC(SCADA) , TİA portal, Python, MS Access, Matlab, MatCad, MultiSim, Ms Project, C, C++, R, iFIX( Client/Server based HMI/SCADA), LabView


  • Doktorantura 28-MAY-92

    Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti Yanında Ali Attestasiya Komissiyası Texnika Elmləri Namizədi

    Diplom KD 068650

  • Magistratura 14-APR-86

    V.M. Ulyanov adına Leninqrad elektrotexniki İnstitut Avtomatika və telemexanika

    Diplom 224298


  • Onur B, Namazov M. DC motor position control using fuzzy proportional-derivative controllers with different defuzzification methods. Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems. Türkiyə. 2010


  • Layihənin adı: TEMPUS-РROJECT: CD_ 2103-2000 (AZB). ; Donor: EU; Vəzifə: Baş Əlaqələndirci şəxs;
    Qeyd: JEPs for curriculum development to create new or update existing courses and enhance the skills of teaching staff; develop updated modern teaching and learning materials; provide material aid in purchasing computers and other teaching material.

Üzv olduğu elmi qurumlar

  • International Society of Automation 12-feb-2018

Mükafatlar, Sertifikatlar

  • "Course Distance Education in the framework of NATO Project "Virtual Silk Highway"", NATO Project "Virtual Silk Highway ; 2004

  • "Course Distance Education Partnership Program USA", University of Indiana ; 2004

  • "Certificate of German Language Course,", University of Aplled Sciences, Cologne (Germany) ; 2002

  • "Certificate of LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH, Course Mikrocomputertechik (Germany)", Leybold Didactic Gmbh Germany ; 2002

  • "Training course on use technology of web-base Control in processes automation", Leybold Didactic Gmbh Germany ; 2001

  • "Curriculum development. Training course on Process Control-01/11/02-30/11/02. ", Leybold Didactic Gmbh Germany ; 2001

  • "Curriculum development. Training course on technology of automation of processes", Leybold Didactic Gmbh Germany ; 2001